23 January 2012

They're all just a bunch of Seabiscuits

So, Ado and I were slumming through the Netflix on demands for some mind-numbing time heroin, and she noted to me that some of the sci-fi titles on the screen sounded vaguely like race horse names.  With this in mind, we excitedly scrolled through a less than scientific sampling of the other titles on demand and realized that this phenomenon was not just a sci-fi thing, it was an EPIDEMIC.  Think of a couple of the highest-grossing films of 2011-- for instance, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, or maybe Warhorse or Haywire (that last one being a dull pun, of course.)

But, the more we thought about this, we became convinced that, without the aid of Google and with no prior knowledge of the movie or horse, the names of the two would be completely indistinguishable... On to the challenge, then!  Of course, we can't control for what you know, or whether you use such chicanery as search engines, but here's the list, which is derived from a sampling of Rotten Tomatoes' Top 100 Art House & International Movies of All Time list (so you hopefully don't know them!) and the names of past winners of either the Belmont Stakes, the Kentucky Derby or Preakness:

1.  Bandit Queen (1994)
2.  Timber Country (1995)
3.  Local Hero (1983)
4.  Caveat (1983)
5.  Unbridled (1990)
6.  Animal Kingdom (2010)
7.   Canonero II (1971)
8.  Afghan Star (2008)
9.  Danzig Connection (1986)
10.  Last Train Home (2009)

Give it a shot, horse or movie?

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